Take control of your hormones & stress!

Boost energy, balance hormones, and support your metabolism—without giving up your favorite beverage.

Now, it's possible to drink delicious coffee, and feel great too! That’s why we call it supernatural.

I love my morning coffee.

I love my morning coffee, in fact, I go to sleep looking forward to drinking it when I get up. But after years of overworking, undersleeping, and over-caffeinating to compensate, my endocrine system was toast.  I was tired all the time, gaining weight and couldn’t seem to lose it, even my hair seemed less lustrous than it used to. When we finally figured out what was wrong, my doctor told me I had to give up coffee!

Hi, I’m Laura, founder of Tikvah. On my journey back to health I learned a lot about how coffee can work for, or against the body. Coffee can be good for you – you just may need to upgrade what you’re drinking. I created my Supernatural Coffee and Supernatural Coffee & Cream to address the major pain points I was experiencing: hormone imbalance, weight gain, poor quality sleep, low energy and low immune function to name a few. If you’ve been feeling like your regular coffee isn’t serving you the way it used to, our coffee:


Founder, Tikvah

Life is complicated.
Delicious, healthy coffee shouldn't be.

How the magic happens


Our Trade Secret Formula

We use a proprietary blend of potent adaptogenic herbs and mushrooms that works synergistically to balance hormones, modulate the stress and immune responses, boost energy, optimize metabolism and support weight loss.


Max Purity & Potency

While many mushroom coffee use only the mycelium of mushrooms and lower potency ingredients, we source optimal ingredients for max potency and no fillers in order to deliver you the most benefits.


Unique Active Ingredients

We use a unique combination of herbs curated to help normalize cortisol levels, hormones, immunity, mood and more. Consistent use will help you feel energized, even when you’re not sipping.

Science-backed, Super-powered ingredients that work.

Our pure & Potent Supernaturals

Wake up, sip, and feel amazing

Feeling tired and wired sucks! You deserve to feel naturally energized and like your old self. We provide potent, unique, and strategically targeted ingredients so you’ll feel the difference.

Supernatural encounters of the coffee kind

I started drinking this daily and found I no longer had to pour myself another cup in the afternoons- I just wasn't as drained as usual. Then after a few months I found out I'd lost 8 pounds- no more stress eating!
Tanya B., Fairfield, CA
Supernatural Coffee drinker
After trying this once, I knew I could get seriously addicted!
Coffee + Cream drinker
Julie F., San Diego, CA
Supernatural Coffee + Cream drinker
After being a breakfast tea drinker for my whole life, I didn't expect to switch over to coffee but I can't go without this stuff! My wife is happy because it's healthy for me, and I'm happy because it's delicious.
Supernatural Coffee Drinker
Bert S., Orange County, Santa Ana
Supernatural Coffee drinker

Get your supernatural boost.